Theology Department Vision Statement

The Theology Department at Bishop Ward High School offers students a solid foundation in the fundamentals of Catholic theology. This foundation will prepare them to face the challenges of life as a Christian as they pursue college degrees or careers. Through required courses and electives the students are introduced to God and how He has revealed Himself through Scripture and Tradition, to the Church, as well as her history and sacraments. They learn how we can be happy through living a virtuous life, the many ways to respond to the universal call to holiness, and what it means to be a believer in today’s society. The Department collaborates with Campus Ministry to offer students opportunities to practice their faith through service, retreats, and sacraments.  


  • Students will apply the themes and teachings found in the Old and New Testament to their own lives in order to deepen their relationship with God.

  • Students will take charge of their faith and seek out opportunities for further involvement and growth. 

  • Students will understand, explain, analyze, and apply the ways in which God is revealed to human beings. 

  • Students will analyze issues of social injustice using Catholic social teaching to bring about a more just world. 

  • Students will give of themselves as disciples of Christ.  


Deacon John Williams

Theology Department Chair/ Teacher


Geoffrey Calvert



Jake Firestine



Sebastian Orth
