Thanks to YOU, Bishop Ward has taught the leaders of tomorrow for over 100 years. Now we need your help to continue for the next 100. Through a planned gift, no matter the size, you can play a vital role in the lives of our students for years to come. Your generosity will continue to sustain the Catholic education that nurtures the body, mind and soul of each student through Christ.
There are many ways to give to Bishop Ward High School. Your planned gift may include some of the more common methods which include bequests, charitable gift annuities, life insurance, pooled income funds, and trust arrangements. To learn more about how you can help a deserving student or to make a planned gift, call the Development Office at 913-371-6901 or email Leslie Gasser at lgasser@wardhigh.org for more information.
To make a planned gift please fill out the form below and return to Bishop Ward High School at:
Bishop Ward High School
Development Office
708 N. 18th Street
Kansas City, KS 66102
Phone: 913-371-6901
FAX: 913-371-2145
email: lgasser@wardhigh.org