Faith Formation of Students at Bishop Ward High School
Jesus is the reason for our school. Our mission is to form students into servant leaders who will live in the right relationship with God, self, and others. Campus Ministry seeks to provide authentic Christian experiences outside the classroom. The experience of giving themselves away as a gift to another person and/or cause aim to immerse students in a life of service. In giving themselves away, we believe they will actually discover their true self.
Four years of Theology
All School monthly Masses at Cathedral of Saint Peter’s
Additional Mass opportunities in each individual Theology class
Jesus and Java - Prayer(Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel), then fellowship and coffee in the Senior Hallway
Four year retreat program
Chaplain and Campus Minister on site
5,000 service hours donated annually
Sacrament of Reconciliation in conjunction with Theology classes
All-school prayer every morning and afternoon
Active Pro-Life Ministry and outreach
Annual pilgrimage to Rally for Life
Community Service Partners
Saint Mary’s Food Kitchen
Catholic Charities
Giving the Basics
Wyandotte County Pregnancy Clinic
Theological Reflections Mentoring Program