
Custom Pledge

Step 1: Please either select a pledge amount OR enter the amount of your intended pledge by clicking on “Other”.
Step 2: Select your preferred timeline of payments (monthly, quarterly or annually).
Step 3: Enter the number of payments for the pledge duration.
Step 4: The system will show your scheduled payment amount.
Step 5: Select how you would like your gift designated.
Step 6: Complete the Billing and Payment Details sections.

 EXAMPLE: If you would like to give $50/month over three years:

·        Select $1,800 as your total pledge amount
·        Select monthly
·        Select 36 for the pledge duration
·        The system should preview a scheduled payment of $50.

Don’t see the preferred timeline for your online pledge or have additional questions? Please call the Advancement Office at (913) 371-1201 for assistance over the phone.